

“I am writing this testimony four months after my second time at Wistin Origins with Henna and Richie.

The first time I attended with my husband and we took Kambo and Ayahuasca as medicine. The ceremonies were both very revealing, and as a result I retuned alone for a second time for a week-long retreat where myself and two other wonderful ladies took part in Kambo, Tobacco and Ayahuasca ceremonies.

Wow, it is hard to express how profound the retreat was and what impact it has had on me! Henna and Richie were the most welcoming hosts and provided such wise insight into all that Kambo, Grandfather Tobacco and Mama Aya showed me. Ayahuasca uncovered some deep trauma that I had buried for a long time, and the journey was definitely challenging and emotional. But under Henna and Richie's spiritual mentorship, I felt cared for, worthy and most importantly, loved.

The circle of support created with the other ladies was a safe space where I could share every aspect of my healing journey without feeling judged or vulnerable. The guidance with the preparation diet and throughout, the atmosphere at the retreat, the medicine songs, the nourishing food, the holy dogs Angelita and Wikey, I am grateful for it all.

For me, the practical part has been the integration and post-retreat period- such incredible knowledge has been gained! My time with Henna and Richie helped show me the way to a healing journey which I now am more confident to embark on with my renewed faith and gratitude to God.

Thank you Henna and Richie for your love, I love you both. x”

- Emma, UK

“I can't thank you both enough for the wonderfully therapeutic experience you offered me. It's the gift that keeps giving as the more I digest the more insights and breakthroughs I get, so it looks like I'm going to be thanking you for a long time to come.

Thank you again and again, I love you both.”

- PT, Ireland

“Hello Henna & Richard,

I simply can't thank you enough, you have opened my heart and filled it with love, peace and hope. Words are insufficient to convey the overwhelming deep sense of gratitude and love I feel after the past week.

You opened your home and your hearts to strangers and helped to heal wounds some of us didn't even know we had. Profound and deeply inspiring are as close as I can get to explaining the experience.

If angels walk this earth, I think I was just lucky enough to meet some of them.

And if there is ever some way I can help the project please do not hesitate to ask. I'd be more than happy to jump on a plane, grab a shovel, push a barrow, haul lumber, cater for a gang of workers or anything else you deem to be good for the cause. I truly believe what you have built and continue to build is truly special.

The world needs more of you!!”

- Matt D, UK 

“Fantastic week’s healing retreat at Wistin Origins in a beautiful location. Richard and Henna are such caring and dedicated guides who are there for you all the way through what can be quite a hard and demanding process. I really appreciated the fact that they limit the number of participants to 6 so that you receive the attention you need.  In fact there were only 3 of us on this retreat and that’s quite a privilege and luxury. It makes everything more intimate and deeper, not just in the ceremonies but also in the group sharing which is definitely enhanced by the limited number.  

The fact that Richard and Henna grow the vine on their own land in Peru and make the medicine themselves gives their ceremonies  authenticity and an organic nature.  Homemade all the way. And that engenders trust and a sense of security

I must also mention the two beautiful dogs who supplied us all with so much unconditional love and joy throughout the week. Their entry into the Maloka immediately after closing each ceremony was very special as we were even more open to their wonderful healing energy.

As a first timer, it was quite a rough ride sometimes…..through the Kambo, Tobacco and Ayahusaca ceremonies,  with not only the purgation but also the moral reckoning. But Richard and Henna were wonderfully supportive and understanding, reassuring you of the beneficent nature of the medicines.  In my case, the overall focus was on family grief with a particular focus on my relationship with my mother and her breakdown, and how that has impacted destructively on my relationships with women.  I have tried numerous therapies and approaches to deal with this but to no avail, whereas this retreat has helped me clear and release some of this material.  The  teaching of the medicine pointed towards  forgiveness and reconciliation. . Indeed, it is  a profoundly moral process  that is ongoing in post-retreat real life.  

.So all in all, I would highly recommend Wistin Origins for both those experienced with Ayahuasca and first-timers like myself. I’m planning to return sometime for another retreat after the current period of integration.  

A big thank you to Richard and Henna for their kindness and wisdom and for providing such a healing sanctuary in this currently crazy and harsh world. “

~ Roger S, Switzerland

“There's nothing more important that you can do in your life than to heal yourself. That's how you're also able to heal the world.

It was my second retreat with Ayahuasca and the first one with Wistin Origins. From the beginning I could feel their love and support. Already before the retreat they give you advice how to prepare yourself in the best way possible. During the retreat you feel they are always there for you, their beautiful home in the nature and their loving presence are already healing. Also you can have your own space anytime it's needed.

Personally, Ayahuasca helped me on my first retreat already. But this time it was even more what I expected. She showed me things from my past that had been so traumatizing my mind had protected me by forgetting them. But unconsciously they still affected to my life. Now when I remember those, I can finally heal and have peace. Ayahuasca helped me to "connect the dots", to understand myself and that way others also better. To be more gentle with myself and remember what really matters in life. It was a little scary at times, but she let me know I will not be given more what I can take. She made me realize I'm the one who's responsible for my healing but I'm always gonna have love and support on the way.

It was so beautiful, Ayahuasca teaching and the healers singing straight to the heart and soul. I probably have never before felt this much peace, and this loved.

I warmly recommend this to everyone who has something they need to heal, mentally or physically, and who wants to develop and become the best versions of themselves. Healing is a life-long journey and I will definitely come back.

For Henna & Richard:

there's no words to describe how grateful I am and how much love I feel for you both. You guys are angels in this world.”

~ Elisa P, Spain

“Han pasado ya dos años desde que fui a hacer mi primer retiro con Henna y Richard. Sentado, leyendo mi cuaderno de notas, de repente tropiezo con el relato de la primera ceremonia de ayahuasca.

Las imágenes se agolpan en mi mente. La fuerza sobrecogedora del espíritu sagrado invade mi alma. Un caleidoscopio de colores y de emociones, algunas experimentadas por primera vez en mi vida. La lucha titánica entre la luz y la oscuridad. La soledad. El amor. La noche oscura del alma. La naturaleza de la realidad. El sentido de la vida.

Y para terminar, una lista con un montón de cosas que cambiar en mi vida, sobre la cual puedo decir tras dos años, he conseguido cambiarlas prácticamente todas. Ese es el poder transformador de la abuelita ayahuasca. No puedo más que dar las gracias a la Providencia por haber puesto a Henna y Richie en mi camino en este viaje de la vida. Muchas gracias amigos.“

~ Miguel G, España

“Wow. That’s all we could say (over and over) during our mother vine ceremony with Henna & Richard. 

We both had intense shamanic experiences in the Amazon jungle before, and found ourselves in the middle of a confusing labyrinth that was obstructing our connection with the sacred medicine plants. 

In just one night with Henna & Richard, we could reconnect with our inner selves and the unconditional love of God, gaining back the clarity that had been missing in our lives. These two loving, merciful and powerful souls have so much integrity, humility and respect for the medicines and life in general - their ceremonies feel like beautiful healing journey guided by the light of God and all the angels.

Dear friends, we couldn’t be more grateful for your medicine and friendship!

With love,”

~ Mila & Rick, Columbia

“When we first encountered the Wistin Origins website I just knew, immediately and in my heart, that this was the place and the people through which we wanted to have our second meeting with the Mother Vine. My husband and I went to the Amazon last year for our first sacred ceremonies and after our return we searched the internet for places in Europe. But that wasn't easy! Either the offers on hand were just off somehow, both people and cost-wise, and if there is something one needs to be extremely cautious about and research well- it's where one decides to uncover ones heart, soul and spirit...

A dear friend, our facilitator from last year in Peru, told us that her friends Henna & Richard were establishing a place in Andalucía, and lo and behold! This was it. She said that their ceremonies were beautiful and full of love, and so they truly are. When encountering Mother Ayahuasca you have to do the work yourself and it can be very hard and challenge you to the max. These extraordinary shamans may be European and to us, to me, they excelled at the same level of dedication and love as the ones we were blessed to have in the rainforest. I would say that their European roots just added in the most positive way to our having deep and intimate sessions with both Kambo, Grandfather Tobacco and The Mother Vine.

Their Icaros... their songs, their music... oh dear Universe, we were so lucky! Their icaros, their medicine, their healing abilities are as profound as their dedication. I will never forget those voices and their divine nature- when Henna sang in Finnish it could break your heart wide open...

Their Kambo sessions really rocked my old stuff, and getting to meet the strength and grandfatherly power of Tobacco was a gift. Richard’s strength and power matches Henna’s to perfection, their voices carrying the joy of angels and the wisdom of having suffered. All this made me feel safe and so well taken care of.

The gorgeous place itself with sweet and breathtaking views over the ancient Andalusian landscape, with the moon and stars at night and the life-giving sun during the day. Before the Tobacco ceremony we drove to a magical mountain area, El Torcal, which was a great and inspiring medicine in itself. The fresh, nutritious and delicious dieta food Henna made was ‘just what the doctor ordered' and our conversations full of super interesting information, hilariousness and supportive personal sharing :)

Topping it off, on the last day when integrating all the teachings and lessons received in each and every ceremony was the thing to do, we went to a lake, turquoise and so sweet and fresh and started to land, softly. The porridge that morning, breaking the dieta, was too good to be true!

We will be back. I treasure the love and connection with our new friends and blessed shaman healers. I can recommend Wistin Origins to any searching soul who is ready to take responsibility and a great leap into new territories of the heart and soul!”

~ Regine H, Norway

"Everything related to Wistin Origins is beautiful. Henna & Richard first of all, loving and respectful, strong and powerful healers and shamans, beautiful souls doing such noble and important work for Planet Earth by making Amazonian traditional medicine available in Europe.

The setting itself; the serene landscape and majestic mountains surrounding the 'hacienda', the retreat center, which is a beautiful harmonious building vibrating with positive energy.

The ceremonies, so filled with love, healing and joy - and celestial, otherworldly icaros sung by both Henna & Richard. No copying, nothing you have heard before, the icaros are truly original and truly genuine and truly personal and truly healing.

The medicine, also the kambo and the tobacco, beautiful and amazing. Even the dieta food was spectacular, so much taste, really delicious, Henna does magic in the kitchen - and Richard makes the best porridge!!

Wistin Origins is such a perfect place to work with plant medicine and healing, I can recommend it without any reservation or doubt. I felt so taken care of, so safe and so loved. What a gift, what a profound experience!"

~ Knut F, Norway

“Henna & Richard helped guide us throughout our retreat, from the first day meeting us to the last day when we left. In what was understandably an intense emotional rollercoaster, they were always on hand to help with all aspects of the retreat and both offered their kindness and experience throughout. The stay was also very comfortable, from the accommodation to the food provided, which definitely added to the experience; I would highly recommend them"

~ Mo A, UK

"It’s hard to put my experience with Henna & Richard in words. Transformational, perhaps, is the best single word describing it.

I had no previous experience with the Medicine, and would not know what to expect. Turned out I didn’t have to, it works exactly where needed.

Henna & Richard are extremely good at what they do. I felt for once in my life I was in a safe space to deal with my deepest issues and personal demons. These shamans are talented, dedicated and wise, being there for you the whole time from the deep preparative work, all the way through until the integration. Even after that they would answer any questions that arise and support you from the distance. 

During the seremonies these two beautiful souls are able to hold the space in a marvellous way, making it easy to trust them and surrender to the Medicine. Their singing is other-worldly beautiful, helping you get through anything you need to deal with. After the seremonies I felt euphoric, blissful and light. I was mesmerised by the fact I could be so free, safe and unapologetically myself surrounded by people I didn’t know. 

The retreat outside the seremonies is the ultimate unwinding experience where you are finally allowed to let go of all outside expectations. We focused on art-making, writing, yoga, eating delicious natural diet food - sharing the space with others and being able to retire to our own space whenever feeling the need to be alone. I’ve probably never felt more relaxed and blissful. This is not to say it was easy, but easy is not on the list if you opt for transformation. 

If you want to take a huge step into over-all better, I definitely recommend doing a retreat with Henna & Richard. I will certainly do this again, and would not consider doing it with any other shamans than these two. <3 "

~ Reetta K, Finland

“The medicines and ceremonies were all new to me and although I read some information about Ayahuasca, Kambo and Tobacco medicines before the retreat I was careful not to read about other people's experiences because I did not want theirs to become mine.

Henna & Richard met me at the airport and took me to their beautiful home high in the mountains, they were warm and welcoming and instantly put me at ease.

I was a little anxious because of the unknown but Henna & Richard guided me very gently and with compassion along my journey. They talk to me about my intentions and expectations of the medicine and ceremonies and every morning after breakfast, following the previous day's ceremony we would all meet together to share our experience. Talking it through really helped with the processing and sometimes Henna & Richard were able to offer insights they received about my healing path and helped me to understand some of my experiences and feelings that had arisen.Henna & Richard are both truthful and intuitive shamans and they hold a very special & sacred place from the moment you meet them.

The ceremonies and medicine are treated with the utmost reverence and respect and deeply honoured. As Shamans they encouraged me to interact with the spirit of the medicine and not to be passive and this really helped my journey. Their icaros are soulful and beautiful and they change intuitively in harmony with the medicine and what is needed to help the healing take place; sometimes they melted into gentle soothing songs that quietened me allowing me to focus inward and go deeper into the medicine and my healing & at other times the icaros would be energetic and helped my body to purge.

The spirit of each medicine is different and each brings it's own wisdom. Henna & Richard are very in tune with the spirit of the plants and understand what is required to help you along your path but they always encourage you to seek your own answers and participate with the medicine.

My personal journey with Ayahuasca was profound; at times gentle and soothing & other times tough and hard work but for me each time was so rewarding and magical. I read "if you choose to have a meeting with Mother Ayauasca, you will never be the same person again, don't take that lightly" So true.

Now I feel loved, re-balanced, fitter, healthier than I remember feeling for a long time; so much dense dark energy and toxic junk has gone, been lifted away by the magic of Mother Ayahuasca and my hard work in surrendering and working with her for my higher good.

I would not go anywhere else or work with any other Shamans than Henna & Richard who are truly magical special people. Thank you Henna & Richard for your safe & sacred space, for your magical icaros & your love which shines through everything you do.”

~ Jane C, UK

“It's been over a month that I joined a 3-day kambo retreat. Although kambo is traditionally known as a great remedy for physical ailments, there is definitely a strong spiritual component to it.

Each session felt like the medicine was penetrating whole new layers inside of me, scanning for physical, mental and emotional pains. During the journey I was letting go of energetic heaviness, sadness and deep grief I carried for so long and wasn’t even aware of. In the month following the treatment I felt called to work on my shadows more than usual, which can be an intense emotional experience, but it is an absolutely necessary part of the healing journey. Kambo brought me insights, and an even higher awareness and clarity around the root cause of deeper psychological patterns, as well as some of my physical ailments.

Since my encounter with the forest’s vaccine I have been experiencing its benefits for improving my long-standing chronic conditions. My candida and SIBO related symptoms are now significantly reduced and I doubled the amount of time spent without antihistamines taken for invasive urticaria. These are very remarkable achievements for me after so many treatment failures of the past years. I also noticed that I no longer use food as a coping mechanism. I have increased focus and energy levels as well as greater drive and motivation to live.I feel that with Kambo medicine I have created the space for an expansion to take place.

I am beyond grateful to Henna and Richie for the care, the medicine and the healing. Never before have I been given as much unconditional presence and undivided attention as I was given by these two beautiful souls. Being heard and understood in and of itself was a wonderful healing experience for me. I felt entirely safe under their loving guidance. I feel honoured that they shared some of their personal stories with me. Not only did this make me feel so much more comfortable with my emotional vulnerability, but it also helped me understand myself and my priorities better.

Sitting with kambo was a truly challenging and intense experience. One truly needs to commit oneself to healing. But the gain is so high that I will not hesitate for a second to do it once again. In fact, I look forward to the next time I can join the ceremony.”

- Adrienn B, Spain 

"As first timers to the medicine, it was important for us to find the right people to introduce us to it and guide us along our journey.

Henna & Richard guided us right from the beginning (via Skype) and all the way till the end, patiently listening and responding to our queries.

The 3 medicine ceremonies we had were mind blowing experiences, each in their own way, revealing our souls and the challenges that lay ahead. Henna & Richard showed great craft, be it in their medicine preparation, their soulful Icaros or their strong presence during the ceremonies.

The initial pre-brief we had to understand expectations and intents, as well as, the daily sharing circle ensured we all stayed connected to our purpose of taking the medicine.

The retreat was held at their own space in southern Spain. The place was secluded, peaceful, comfortable and in nature. This allowed for a deep digital and physical detox that set us up for the medicine to work on us at the deepest level.

We recommend Wistin Origins as a great place to heal with the medicine, especially if it's your first time!"

~ N & M, UK

“I met Richard and Henna in Iquitos Peru. I had already some experience with the medicine but I had never reached the thing I wanted to reach untill I met them. I was blocked from my visions and when I sat down with Richard and Henna it took them only two minute to point out why I was blocked. Hearing the reason why I was blocked and the way they explained it to me made me want to do some ceremonies with them. I was very sceptic about doing ceremonies with people that aren’t from South American soil. They took that scepticism away. 

They have so much knowledge that it literally helped me with my visions. Richard helped me clean my self with the tobacco and Henna focused on teaching me how to connect with the medicine. Throughout the day they would both help me by explaining my visions and dreams and how to focus even more. The nice thing they have is that you don’t feel like they are strangers. You experience so much love during and outside the ceremonies that you feel at home immediately. It’s like you have known them for a long time just after a few days. 

A truly amazing duo and I was also amazed how good they work together during the ceremonies. I have accomplished more with a few ceremonies with them than a dozen with others. For that I am truly grateful and always will be. Thank you guys for being so awesome. Your dedication to helping people, I don’t have the words to describe how that made me feel or how this much love for the people is even possible. Never change. I am looking forward to see you guys again in Europe. 

Much Love”

~ Ali TJ, Netherlands

“I cannot remember when i last cried of Joy and appreciation, maybe 20 years ago when my daughter was born. I have done that many times since i first met Richard and Henna, and it happens regularly now.


Richard and Henna helped, guided, held, comforted, sang, supported and inspired me on my path of self healing. Never have i met anyone i trusted with my heart so quickly. I am in awe over how responsible they are in everything.

Authentic loving and dedicated beings.


Thankful too have met them by a magical "coincidence", one that changed me to include more balance and love.

So thankful for you two lovely beings and i miss you.”

~ Jasper O, Denmark

“My experience with Henna & Richard was beyond expectations. Both are very special healers with kindness, compassion and great connection. I can’t wait to meet them again to keep growing and nurture my spirit through the ceremonies. I am very thankful to them, to the Medicine and to Peru. All was fantastic during my stay at their place, running smooth and with a lot of care from both. It was an unforgettable healing night with plenty of stars. It was beautiful. “

~ Albeniz C, UK

“What a beautiful and life changing experience it has been working with the amazing beings at Wistin Origins. I took part in an 8 day retreat and the entire experience was perfect and sacred. 


Working with the plant spirit world is something to be treated with the utmost respect and this is what Henna & Richard have such delicate aptitude in achieving. They held the space for ceremony in a wholly magical way and provided the best support and guidance I could have wished for on this journey. Not only during the retreat itself but before and after. From the preparation work and diet through to the extremely important aftercare and support. 


 I cannot thank you enough for guiding me on this massive stretch of my personal journey to healing and wholeness. I look forward to continuing to work with you both.”

~ Natalie T, UK

“Henna & Richard are doing amazing work with pant medicines and ceremonial healing! They also make every effort outside of the ceremonies themselves to ensure that you are comfortable, relaxed and will happily answer any questions you might have of how the medicines will help you. They have a huge reservoir of knowledge and are always on hand if you need them, both inside and outside the ceremonial space. As well as this they are both an absolute joy to hang out with. 5 Stars, 10/10, 100% etc. depending on what review system you use! ”

~ Danny T, UK

"An amazing experience with more than just medicine work, Henna & Richard have a way with healing in all forms. My last two ceremonies were incredible and months in, I am still learning and growing from my experiences. If you are ready to embark on a new journey or continue with one already started - with Wistin Origins, you are in the safest of hands."

~ Bhavin V, UK

“I have known Richard and Henna since the beginning of their journey in plant medicine. Last year I was lucky enough to be invited to one of their retreats and the experience triggered a journey within myself that I am still working on a daily basis. 

I had no previous experience of a healing ceremony so I was quite sceptic and also afraid of what was to come. From the very first minute of the retreat until the last moments, Henna & Richard were there for me to make sure that all my questions and concerns were being thoroughly answered. 

After the ceremonies I had some serious difficulties integrating back to normality and Henna & Richard were there for me all the way. It dawned on me how important it truly is to be guided by honest and caring people when choosing the path of plant medicine as a healing method. I can't imagine there being anyone else being able to offer a more nurturing and caring platform to start a healing journey. 

Even though I have personally known Henna & Richard for years, and I have witnessed their dedication to their work, it still managed to blow my mind how truly invested they are in helping others to heal. This kind of healing practice takes a huge leap of faith from a person attending, and if you are choosing to take that leap - you are in safe hands with Henna & Richard.”

~ Anni S, Finland

“Working with Richard and Henna is an experience that I have come to greatly value. First and foremost, their integrity, their care, really what I would characterize as their sense of humanity is profound. I have great admiration for both of them and the work they are doing in the world. They are both healers in the very real sense of the word. I would highly recommend working with them to anyone.” 

~ Brian C, USA

"The retreat was a powerful healing experience for me - ever since I've felt more inner safety and joy than ever before. I can warmheartedly recommend working with Henna & Richard. They are both skillful healers and wonderful persons who give their all to help. If you're thinking about attending a retreat, I'd say go for it."

~ Ron E, Finland


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